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Receiving Peer Feedback (En Masse)

| Friday, August 8, 2008

I just received my marks for both my syndicate paper and presentation for the "Managing People for High Performance" class at Melbourne Business School. Both of these marks were based partially on peer feedback, and in slightly different ways. [The peer feedback for the paper hasn't yet been received, so I'll talk about the presentation and update this posting later.]

The presentation, worth only a small amount of my total grade, was given to the entire class and the mark was based 50% on feedback from my classmates and 50% from the lecturer. Our final mark was 7.4 (out of 10): 7.2 from the professor and 7.6 from the rest of the class. Included in the document containing these marks were four pages of quantitative feedback from my peers, not all of it positive.

I'm still reflecting on these comments, and while many were positive, there was a general consensus that I relied too heavily on reading the slides (which were behind be, being projected) instead of making eye contact with audience. This is certainly good and constructive feedback; I will definitely watch out for this next time (note: I had forgotten my notes on my desk when I went to up to present, so I'll be sure not to do that in the future). There was one comment in the listing that struck me as both offensive and complementary. It said:

First speaker (Scott) was very distracting. Spoke very quickly and did not make eye contact with the audience as they had their back turned reading the slides. Second speaker articulated the information clearly and engaged the audience.

I find the use of the term "distracting" particularly puzzling, and I'm left wondering if the first sentence relates to the second, or is something reflecting an aversion to my general speaking style and personality?  However, I think most speakers would like to described as distracting when the presenting; what exactly was that person distracted from? The focus of this person's attention should have been on me, and I certainly won't apologize if something I did was a distraction from, say, Facebook (a favourite of students during a boring presentation).

[As you can probably tell, I did get a bit defensive at this point, but I will definitely take this criticism on board for next time.]

As a member of the class, I too was required to provide feedback on the presentations as well. I have to say that despite my defensive tirade above, I was even more harsh on my fellow classmates, perhaps having higher expectations or because I was simply grumpy. I'm concerned that my low scores will start to affect other presentation scores. I hope that the professor scales people's scoring, because everyone will have a different baseline of how to score. For example, I often gave a 4 for a very slightly below average performance, my hope is that they would receive a 70 - 75 for their presentation, based on my expectation that the average mark would be 75 - 80. Certainly, I did not want or even believe that they should fail!

I have to say that receiving feedback from classmates was extremely helpful, and it is very hard to be in denial about relying on the slides when dozens of fellow classmates -- bright, friendly, and intelligent people -- all say the same thing.

I'll leave you with one of my favourite videos on the subject (we made some of the same mistakes):


Language, Framework or Platform

| Wednesday, August 6, 2008

When I try to talk to people about a technology they are not familiar with, I often try to make comparisons to something they are already using. The generally involves drawing parallels between ColdFusion and Ruby on Rails on the one hand with Java and .Net on the other. I frequently find myself explaining some of the differences between what is a programming language, what is a development framework, and what is platform that the application runs on.

The last one, the platform, is one that I find the most difficult to articulate. Generally, you know you're using a platform when you are relying on something inherit in the operating system or you have installed something. The platform determines where your application can run and what artifacts of the host system you have at your disposal. Examples of platforms are:

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - runs on any computer with the JRE installed. Includes Mac OS X without additional installation.
  • .NET - runs on any computer with the .NET framework installed. Windows only.
  • Ajax - Browsers which support XML HTTP requests and Javascript
  • Flash - Browsers which have Flash plug-in installed, or the standalone Flash player

The language is, at its simplest form, just a compiler which generates something executable from code. The compilation of a language targets a platform, or is evaluated by the platform at run-time. Depending on the targeting or which platform is doing the evaluation, the application will have access to resources and services native to the platform. Examples of languages:

  • Java
  • C#
  • Javascript
  • Actionscript
  • Ruby

What's interesting about these languages is that, perhaps with exception of C#, they can be executed on various platforms:

  • Java: Java Runtime Environment or .NET (via J#)
  • Javascript: in a browser, .NET (via JScript), and Java (via Rhino)
  • Actionscript: in a flash player, AIR application, or in ColdFusion (via the little-used server-side ActionScript -- and yes! this makes ColdFusion a platform)
  • Ruby - using a standard Unix environment, JRuby, and IronRuby

Finally, there are the frameworks. Frameworks generally may target a platform or a language, depending on the nature of the framework. A framework exists to organize code in a systematic way, but may be bound to features present in the underlying platform. Often the confusion with something like Rails, ColdFusion or Flex is that they are not understood as frameworks, but as programming languages. This is simply not true; they are frameworks, tightly bound either to their underlying language, platform, or both. For example, Rails for another language such as Java simply isn't possible: Rails relies on very specific language features of Ruby simply not available to Java programmers. However, some frameworks are indeed portable across languages. Spring, with its IoC container concept and API to access it is indeed used across multiple platforms and languages: ColdFusion, .NET, and Java.

In summary, although the distinction between languages, frameworks and platforms isn't necessarily complex, it is important to keep in mind the distinction when exploring new technologies.


Gap Shopping: Separate sites, one cart

| Monday, August 4, 2008

image I don't know if it's a new change, but I just visited the Gap web site and was immediately notified that I could now shop from the Gap site as well as other brands under the Gap umbrella (Banana Republic, Old Navy and Piperlime). Gap would combine the shipping costs for all purchases across the sites and ship them to me (assuming I was in the States) for $7. Not a bad deal.

Aside from the shopping potential, this strikes me a way to create synergies across brands while not removing the differentiation between them; for all intents and purposes, the branding of each site is quite distinct, yet every page on every site is tied together with a familiar "tabbing" system, not mention the same shopping cart and simple checkout.

I can't help but think -- ahem -- that if an organization wanted to separate two distinct arms of their business -- for example, award business degrees and executive education programs -- that a unified tab system but distinct branding below is probably a good way to go.


Walking Directions now in Beta: Apparently to Feature Safer Walking When Released?!

| Friday, August 1, 2008
