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Business Strategy Presentation on Google

| Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I recently had to give a presentation on the Google Inc case in my business strategy class at Melbourne Business School. Actually, this was a syndicate (read: group) assignment. Another assignment was to write a paper analysing the business strategy of a company (we chose Yahoo!).

I decided that in order to get feedback, I would record myself giving the presentation and then post the video online for my syndicate members to comment. After all, they had as much at stake in the presentation as me.

I think the live presentation went better than the recorded one. That's mainly because I had lots of practice with my delivery and had some helpful feedback. I'm also more extemporaneous during the actual delivery; this makes my syndicate nervous, but works well for me. It's easier to incorporate humour when it isn't scripted.

Anyways, here's the video of my presentation run-through that I recorded. In the end, I modified some of the slides and added a couple more. I also went faster, so I was able to show both videos.

Business Strategy Presentation on Google Case from Scott Arbeitman on Vimeo.