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Writing User Stories - Use Your Cucumber

| Monday, August 17, 2009

I previously wrote a post with some tips about running a user story workshop. It's received a fair amount of traffic, so I thought it'd be worthwhile mentioning a tool I used as a developer which made the idea and implementation of a user story much clearer. It's called Cucumber and it's a behaviour-driven testing framework for Ruby.

If you are a regular Ruby user, there is no good reason why you shouldn't be using Cucumber. If you're not a Ruby-ist, but can program, consider learning enough Ruby to use it, or find out if there are any similar frameworks in the language/platform of your choice. But - and here's where it gets interesting - if you are a business analyst who doesn't know the first thing about coding, get someone to walk you through the basics of how Cucumber works.

Here's why.

Cucumber allows you to write your stories in plain english, but also helps to systematize the ways stories are written so that their scenarios and acceptance criteria are easily (read: automated) testable. For those new to writing user stories, or even those with a bit of experience will find a few worked samples in Cucumber enlightening. It will definitely make you, your stakeholders, and your developers "speak" the same language.

Here's a quick video to get you started.