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Don't Worry. Be Happier.

| Sunday, February 24, 2008
After hearing about Tal Ben-Shahar's positive psychology class and book from my usual media outlets (NPR podcast and The Daily Show), I decided to buy his book and have a read. The book is called Happier and if you're having trouble finding it in Melbourne, it's because I bought most of the copies and gave them to my friends. It won't change you're life, but it does offer some good insights on what can make someone happy, and is a gentle reminder where we should focus our efforts in like (hint: not money). Tal stresses that all decisions and activities in your life should be measured in terms of the happiness they create; happiness, in the end, is the ultimate currency. I highly recommend it to everyone.

My mom sent me an e-mail this week that there was a full piece on happiness on 60 minutes last weekend. Here's the clip. Tal speaks at the end.


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